
Warhammer 40k Space Wolves Commissions

Space Wolves are more than just crazy brave, ferocious space vikings with penchant for wolf like mutations. The glowing runes on their armor and weapons hold terrible bite of fenrisian frost. Their Rune Priests wield powers of hurricane, lighting and cold. Wolves are they allies and mounts.

Space Wolves stormfang gunship

Tournament level commission. Stormfang Gunship.

Space Wolves Stormfang Gunship Stormwolf CommissionSpace Wolves Stormfang Gunship Stormwolf CommissionSpace Wolves Stormfang Gunship Stormwolf CommissionSpace Wolves Stormfang Gunship Stormwolf Commission

Space Wolves Army

Tournament level commission. Intercessor, Wolf Guard with Jet Packs. Impulsor, Dreadnought, Attack Bikes.

Space Wolves Army

Tournament level commission. Grey Hunters, Wolf Guard Terminators, Stormfang Gunship, Thunderwolf Cavalry.

Space Wolves Army Grey Hunters CommissionSpace Wolves Army CommissionSpace Wolves Stormfang Gunship Stormwolf CommissionSpace Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalary CommissionSpace Wolves Wolf Guard Terminators Commission

Space Wolves Army

Tournament level commission. Intercessor, Wolf Guard with Jet Packs. Impulsor, Dreadnought, Attack Bikes.

WH40K Space Wolves Army Commission Redemptor Dreadnought Repulsor Attack Bikes WhirlwindWH40K Space Wolves Army Commission Redemptor Dreadnought ImpulsorWH40K Space Wolves Army Commission Redemptor Dreadnought ImpulsorWH40K Space Wolves Army Commission Wolg Guard